Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You Will Comply

It is interesting to contemplate imagery. At one time this logo conveyed a message of monolithic power, fear, and control. It spoke volumes about what you could and could not do as well as what could be done to you. Below I have listed a few subliminal messages that ran through the spine of anyone that gazed upon it.
1. We are THE phone company.
2. We DON'T care because we don't have to.
3. You have NO other choice for phone service.
4. If you fail to pay, we will remove OUR phones.
5. If you have bad or no credit we want a $300 deposit.
6. You DO NOT OWN your phones, you RENT them.
7. Long-distance calls are expensive over OUR network.
8. You pay extra each month for touch-tone (if available)
9. We will nickel and dime you to death.
I enjoy fond memories from the past but phone service is not one of them. Judge Green broke the back of the Bell System which opened the doors for competition and all the services we enjoy today.

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