Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Ceramic Tile

Not everything is as it seems. Much of what we see in life is a facade or window dressing to disguise or improve reality. Natural curiosity has always driven me to look behind the curtain, to see the nuts and bolts, to understand the nature of the mechanism. I distinctly remember a Sunday car trip with my parents around the age of sixteen. We stopped for gas and I got out of the car to take some pictures when I noticed an older woman hiding behind a gas pump picking her teeth with a toothpick. It was obvious she did not want to be seen and in my mind this was all the more reason to expose her. With deliberate intent plans were engaged to foil her scheme of deception. Everytime I moved, she moved and eventually both of us were circling the gas pump until she threw the toothpick to the ground in disgust and boarded her vehicle. She's probably dead by now, poor thing was no spring chicken thirty-eight years ago and more than likely never forgot the incident. Whether or not there is a hell is up for debate and for all we know the entrance ramp could be paved with ceramic tile.

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