Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mardi Gras 2009 Mobile Alabama

I worked as a food runner for a friends' Taco Truck during Mardi Gras 2009. The entire experience was interesting (especially the customers) and has been documented in this photo gallery. These are my friends and random people caught in the act of being themselves. Photos by David. Camera: Nikon D80.
Sarah celebrates Mardi Gras

Time Exposure

Michelle, T-Bone and Star head to the parage

Taco Truck Decorations

Truck Decor

Gimmie some of them "Kwasadeelyas"


Dauphin Street

In The Shade

Nichole and her Mardi Gras hat

Purple Gold and Green


Bienville Square Cookout



Let The Good Times Roll

Bienville Square Oak

Where'd you get that hat?

Red and Black

In The Kitchen


Michelle, T-Bone, Neil, and Jason

Michelle, T-Bone, Jason, Neil, and Jason

The Setting Sun

Jason, Neil, and Jason

Looking South

Michelle and Jason

Afternoon Taco Truck

Festive Decorations

T-Bone, Jason, Jason and Neil

T-Bone, Jason and Neil

Neil takes refuge behind the truck. He wanted to see exposed breasts (standard fare at Mardi Gras) but was chased by gay men all day! The Taco Truck was parked near the parade route, on the edge of the gay bar district.


Afternoon Sun

Jason, Neil and Jason

Candy (purple hat) and Friends

Night Lights

Night Scene

Jason takes a break from the kitchen

Candy Celebrates Mardi Gras

Candy and Friends

Behind Recording Studio

Under The Tarp

Mobile At Night

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Have A Feeling We Are Not In Kansas Anymore

Have you ever experienced a sense of displacement, like when you wake from sleep and cannot immediately discern if it's 6am or 6pm? Electricity and artificial lighting has changed the normal biological rhythm of the human body, which should be in sync with the rising and setting of the sun. Instead we rely on machines to wake us and chemicals to help us relax. Living in an artificial environment is contrary to human physiology.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You Will Comply

It is interesting to contemplate imagery. At one time this logo conveyed a message of monolithic power, fear, and control. It spoke volumes about what you could and could not do as well as what could be done to you. Below I have listed a few subliminal messages that ran through the spine of anyone that gazed upon it.
1. We are THE phone company.
2. We DON'T care because we don't have to.
3. You have NO other choice for phone service.
4. If you fail to pay, we will remove OUR phones.
5. If you have bad or no credit we want a $300 deposit.
6. You DO NOT OWN your phones, you RENT them.
7. Long-distance calls are expensive over OUR network.
8. You pay extra each month for touch-tone (if available)
9. We will nickel and dime you to death.
I enjoy fond memories from the past but phone service is not one of them. Judge Green broke the back of the Bell System which opened the doors for competition and all the services we enjoy today.

New Switcher In The Freight Yard

I have added another Fairbanks-Morse switcher to my model railroad collection. This little utilitarian gem is a Nickel Plate Road switcher with black and yellow "scare stripes" on nose and tail. The first one received had a cosmetic defect near the roof ventilation fan and was sent back to the manufacturer for replacement. It is with great enjoyment that I safely and successfully move fictitious chemicals and other commodities through rail yards and between industries. Being very particular about time period, road names, engines, and freight cars can be frustrating since a large amount of available equipment is of modern vintage and my preference is the transition period when steam and diesel coexisted (1930's-1950's). I plan to acquire steam equipment in the near future. Older designs simply have more class and style.

I continue to rehabilitate an unfinished 4x8 foot HO scale layout that was given to me a few weeks ago. Polishing the track with a light abrasive was necessary to improve electrical conductivity for a soon to be installed power pack. Until such time that my layout is operational, I will run train equipment on a 30x90 foot layout owned by a model railroad club. Trains run through a mountain the size of a refrigerator!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Girl Can't Help It

The largest artificial tits on record. Turned away from surgery in the US, this voluptuous babe traveled to Brazil to get just what she wanted. She was not denied! You can read her bizarre story here.

People Are Not Binary Components

I have always rejected the limitations of labels when applied to the human experience along with accompanying myths, prejudices, and restrictions that inaccurately define the totality of a person's being and how they relate to the world. In embracing this concept I (the author of this blog) do hereby declare my identity as: pomosexual. Also see: